The Energy Balance Method helps you increase your daily energy, focus and results, while helping you balance your lifestyle. It shows you how to be consistent with the right habits, so you can perform when you need to without feeling drained. It’s for coaches, entrepreneurs, busy professionals and anyone who wants better health, productivity, energy and overall fulfillment.
Great for:
- People who are having trouble with focus and procrastination
- People who are struggling with motivation crashes and overwhelm
- People who want more energy and less stress
- People who want to be more effective and achieve their goals faster
One of the biggest problems people face when running a business, bringing up a family, or progressing their career is stress. It drains us of energy, and when it isn’t managed in the right way, it can make us sick, overweight and depressed. Day-to-day this can show up with feelings of guilt and overwhelm. We then distract ourselves, procrastinate and sabotage our results or give up.
There are many factors that affect our energy, including digestion, our environment, and our thoughts. When we do things we love that stimulate our creativity and focus, this energizes our body and makes us feel alive. When our minds are cluttered, we treat our bodies badly and have unhealthy relationships, which can drain our energy.
The key to overcoming this is to first get clarity on where your energy is being wasted, and what you could focus on instead to feel more vibrant and alive. The next step is to prioritize and track your habits consistently. Around 20% of your habits and efforts drive 80% of your results in any area of your life. Likewise, 20% of your habits and efforts will also drain 80% of your energy, or prevent 80% of your results. When we know what habits to focus on and where to direct our energy, we can have exponential growth and results by focusing only on things that drive results and fulfillment.
It is also important to choose healthy habits. The right balance of eating and exercise will also give you more energy. Drinking enough water (e.g. 1-3L daily) and eating plenty of fats during the day, rather than relying on sugar or stimulants, will give you far more consistent energy without the crashes. Meditation, gratitude and journaling are also powerful practices that energize and improve your focus.
If you are a busy entrepreneur, parent or professional, this exercise provides the foundation for increasing your energy and building powerful habits so you can get things done faster, improve your results and progress in any area of your life, while feeling happier and more fulfilled 먹튀검증.
Step 1: Drain vs. Gain
1. Draw a line down a piece of paper, and on the left write “Drain”, and on the right write “Gain”.
2. On the left side of the page write down all the things you do day-to-day that drain you of energy, and anything you do regularly that you don’t enjoy doing, things that stress you out, make you feel worse or don’t serve you.
3. On the right side, write down things that you enjoy doing and give you energy, make you feel more alive and make you feel confident, accomplished or fulfilled.
4. Decide on one thing you will do more of that will give you more energy (from your Gain list), and the one thing you will focus on reducing that drains you of energy (from your Drain list). Note: What’s the balance of time spent in each of the two areas?
Step 2: Habit Tracker
5. Think of a specific outcome or vision you want to achieve. For example, if it was related to health and fitness, this could be the outcome of you being in perfect health, with a swimmer’s physique, and being free from pain. If related to business, it could be to run a successful business doing what you’re passionate about.
6. Create a habit tracker by getting a blank weekly calendar, finding a blank week in a diary, or getting a piece of paper and drawing a table landscape with Monday to Sunday across the top. Down the left-hand side, create 5 new rows. Alternatively, you can print a copy of a weekly habit tracker at
7. Decide on the 3-5 habits that will best serve you in reaching your specific outcome or vision that will make the biggest difference to your results right now. You can also add in the one thing that you will do more of that will give you more energy that you decided in part 1 (Drain vs. Gain).
Here are some examples for health and fitness:
- Drink 2.5L water daily.
- Sleep 7-8 hours.
- Eat a healthy breakfast high in protein and fibre.
- Eat 2 healthy meals a day.
- 15-30 minutes workout.
- Stretching, Yoga or Pilates.
8. Make your habits specific, and decide on whether you will do each habit daily or a specific number of times each week. Make sure the changes are small so that you feel at least 80-90% confident you can achieve them. Write them in your new habit tracker in the 5 rows you created in step 6.
9. Stick the habit tracker on your fridge, or on the wall in your room, office or somewhere you will see it regularly, and put a tick or a cross on which habits you did or didn’t do at the end of each day.
10. After 7 days review your week (e.g. How was your energy and performance? What went well? What didn’t? What was the impact of not doing certain habits? What will you do more or less of? What will you start or stop doing? What’s your number one focus for next week?)
You can use this habit tracking tool to find out what you love doing, what you’re great at, what slows your results and what drains you. You can use it to review your progress and figure out what is or isn't working, so you can decide what the most effective actions to take are and adjust your plan to make it work best for you.
Tips for coaches
Using this exercise with a client can be beneficial to gain clarity on which areas of their life are most important to focus on, and it could be that there is more than one area they should focus on.
This exercise can be done individually by your client with your feedback in a coaching session, or done with you in a coaching session. Your client should aim to expand as much as possible on part 1, in order to figure out what lights them up, what brings them down and where they are most effective so that they can then focus on that and progress each week.
If you or your client are not at least an 8/10 or a 9/10 confident that they can achieve the decided goal for each habit, make the habit easier, or the change smaller.